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+30 2105542306

Mission & Values


Our company’s mission is to create high quality church and cemetery items, offering excellent craftsmanship and aesthetics in every product we produce. Through metalworking and our expertise in the field of church art and cemetery goods, we aim to create products that meet the needs and expectations of our customers.



High quality: We are committed to providing high quality products, manufactured in detail, and using the best materials available.

Respect for tradition and spiritual value: We recognize the importance of church art and cemetery items as important elements of cultural and religious heritage, and we work with respect for these traditions.

Innovation: We invest in the research and development of new technologies and design solutions to remain industry leaders and offer innovative products to our customers.

Customer Service: Our customers are our top priority, and we do our best to meet their needs and provide high quality service.


Safety at work is a central pillar in the metal industry. In this demanding and complex field, the protection of workers has vital importance. With the aim of eliminating risks and creating a safe working environment, our company invests in prevention, training, and supervision systems. By continuously training and updating our staff, adopting technological innovations, and complying with all applicable safety regulations and standards, we ensure that our employees feel protected and safe while performing their duties. With a firm commitment to safety, we create a work environment where our employees can develop their skills with confidence and safety.

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